Transmission Control Unit (TCU) tune for your ZF6 / ZF8 automatic gearbox
xHP Flashtool is the worldwide first and complete Tuning solution for BMW’s with ZF6HP and ZF8HP automatic transmissions. This groundbreaking piece of software unlocks the BMW ZF automatic gearboxes, allowing for faster shift times, more power & better response. With three stages of tune for the ZF gearboxes, all set up slightly differently to suit different styles of driving.
At WG Motorworks we are a official dealer for xHP, with advanced unrivaled software for the ZF gearboxes it is a no brainer for us to offer tunes that have had extensive research and development to complement our ECU mapping services for that complete enhanced experience. Which the benefits are not necessary leading down to increased power, but an overall change in driving experience in day to day driving situations, with or without a ECU tune we can promise you won't be disappointed! 24Hr Money back guarantee is offered with this service.
Enhance the performance of your BMW dramatically!
Get more Torque, faster Shifts, stronger Throttle-Blips, adjustable Launch Control and much more!
Stage 1 xHP Tune
The Stage 1 files focus on economy and comfort, by upshifting early in D-Mode and locking up the torque converter sooner, compared to the factory calibrations. MPG gain to be expected (depending on vehicle and drivin environment) between 5% and 15%.
- Gear Display in Dash in all modes (where available)
- Early torque converter lock-up
- Shift strategys altered for economy and comfort
- Adapted torque limits for tuned engines
- Torque Limits set to 1000 Nm (737ftlb)
- Kickdown delete in Manual Mode
Unlock the hidden potential
Available for over 200 BMW Models from 2003 to present, xHP Flashtool is the world's leading solution for enhancing your Auto – Transmission!
Stage 2 xHP Tune
The Stage 2 files are for people wanting faster shifts and a more responsive driving experience, but not want to sacrifice any comfort.
- Gear display in Dash in all modes (where available)
- Optimized D & S shift points for better acceleration in part and full throttle situations
- Approx. 25% faster shifts overall
- Faster paddle response time
- Optimised Torque Converter Lockup in 1st/2nd/3rd gear
- Torque Limits set to 1000 Nm (737 ftlb)
Enhance the performance of your BMW dramatically!
Get more Torque, faster Shifts, stronger Throttle-Blips, adjustable Launch Control and much more!
Stage 3 xHP Tune
The Stage 3 files are our most sporty calibrations, changing the driving experience totally. While all Stage 3 files retain full comfort and can be used in every daily car, the behaviour changes when switching to S or M. Massively reduced shift times and throttle blips in manual mode show what your auto transmission is capable of. On top of Stage 2 features include;
- Torque limits raised to maximum
- Approx. 25% faster shifts in D mode
- Approx. 50% faster shifts in S and M mode
- Rev-Matched downshifting (Throttle-Blip)
- True Manual Mode (no forced upshift at RPM limiter)
- Instant paddle response time
- Raised line pressure for better holding power!
Super 6 Speed Licence
Purchase online
Super 8 Speed Licence
Purchase Online
Installed at our workshop for £275inc VAT
The "Super License 6-Speed" packs the most popular stuff from xHP for your 6-Speed Automatic BMW! This license includes Stage 1,2 and 3 maps + the flashing license, Everything in one sweep.
- Enables unlimited flashing for a single Vehicle (VIN - Lock)
- Includes Stage 1,2,3 maps from the xHP Store
- Includes ALL future OTS updates
- Enables to flash custom maps
- Let's you revert your vehicle to stock anytime
Installed at our workshop for £299inc VAT
The "Super License 8-Speed" has everything from xHP for your 8-Speed BMW! This license includes Stage 1, 2 and 3 maps, the flashing license, as well as the customization license! Everything in one sweep.
- Enables unlimited flashing for a single Vehicle (VIN - Lock)
- Includes Stage 1,2,3 maps from the xHP Store. Future Updates included as well.
- Includes all Customization Options. Future updates included as well.
- Enables to flash custom maps
- Let's you revert your vehicle to stock anytime
- Locks the Flash Counter and recalculates all Checksums and CVN. Not detectable by the Dealer.
- Includes all Custom Features
Q: Can I test xHP before buying anything?
A: Yes. The download of xHP is completely free. You can do a full read out of your TCU and read/delete fault
codes without any license.
Q: May I return to stock at any time with xHP?
A: xHP creates a full backup, before attempting any flash procedure. You can flash back your original file at any
Q: How do I check if my vehicle is supported?
A: The best way is to download the xHP app and connect it to your vehicle. xHP will tell you instant if your vehicle
is supported. Alternatively, you can head to www.xhpflashtool.com and check our vehicle list. We do our best to
keep this list as correct and up-to-date as possible. However, BMW changed TCUs regularly during the production
lifecycle and there may be cases where your vehicle is on the list but still not supported. These cases are rare,
but cannot be avoided 100%. If you are unsure, contact us through e-mail or on Facebook.
Q: I get frequent “Transmission disturbed” errors during reading/flashing my TCU?
A: In most cases a bad “OBD/DCAN” cable is the reason for unstable connections. Even some of the “expensive”
cables sometimes sport bad soldering’s or other issues. Most of the time, these cables are good enough for
logging data or retrieving fault codes, but won’t succeed in time critical, heavy-use operations like flashing your
TCU. Consider trying another cable. It is unlikely that this issue is related to your phone or OTG Adapter. If you
are using piggyback units (e.g. JB4) please remove them completely from your vehicle before attempting a flash
with xHP.
Q: How about reliability, will I shorten the life of my transmission using xHP?
A: None of the setups will have any general detrimental effect on the lifetime of transmission components. Not
on the TCU, nor on the shafts or clutches. Keep in mind, that automatic transmissions are highly complicated
units, with a few hundred components inside. Some of these components are designed to wear out (like clutches)
through making use of them. Your driving style and proper maintenance have the biggest impact on the life-time
of transmission components. Obey these simple rules:
✓ Let your transmission warmup on each drive before applying heavy throttle. You will notice some
amount of slip in the warmup phase, which is intentionally to heat up the oil inside. Basic Rule: Your
transmission needs about the same time to heat up as your engine oil.
✓ Don’t “pump-up” your vehicle on standing starts with brake/throttle applied at the same time.
✓ Flush/change your transmission oil regularly. (approx. every 50k – 75k miles) BMW does not want you
to do it, but ZF wants you. Trust ZF, who have built this transmission.
✓ S and M modes are designed to facilitate sporty and fun driving. Shift times are cut and clutches get
applied more aggressive. Use these modes when necessary and not as standard. The TCU records the
amount of time you spend in each mode. BMW uses this data to judge on warranty cases.
Q: I just flashed my transmission, but the shifts are bad.
A: Your transmission may behave weird, right after flash, e.g. starting in 3rd gear. This issue should clear within a
few hundred meters of driving. The transmission has extensive adaption-algorithms, to keep shift quality in check
over a full life time and even with heavily worn out clutches. The adaptions applied, are very sensitive to abrupt
changes, as they operate in a narrow window. Therefore, shift quality can suffer in the first few hundred miles,
after doing an oil-change, replacing transmission hardware, or changing the TCU software, like with xHP. Don’t
overstress your transmission during this adaption phase. The best way to adapt your transmission, is just normal
driving in D mode with lots of varying speeds and shifts. We DO NOT advise anybody to clear the adaption values
to speed up the process. Depending on the current wear state of your transmission, this can lead to unwanted
and permanent bad results.
Q: I already have a Flash - Tune (COBB, custom Tune etc.) on my ECU (Engine). Do I need to uninstall it before
using xHP?
A: No. xHP has no direct effect on your existing Engine tune.
Q: I’m running JB4, can I use xHP with it?
A: Yes, xHP will work on JB4 equipped cars, but you have to remove it before flash and install again. On our test
cars setting JB4 to Map 0 was not enough, as JB4 was still disturbing communication to the TCU. This possibly
depends on the JB4 revision you are using.
Q: Will xHP void my OEM or dealer warranty?
A: xHP changes the calibration file on your TCU. Like every other tune on your vehicle, this will very likely void
your OEM or dealer warranty, depending on your Country and/or guarantee contract. However, dealer testers
are unable to detect xHP. You don’t need to remove xHP, before visiting a dealer.
Q: Am I allowed to change between different OTS and custom tunes?
A: You can switch between tunes as often as you like and you are allowed to buy multiple OTS tunes and manage
them on the same device.
Q: Is it possible to use xHP on more than one car at the same time?
A: Yes. You can flash 3 cars with one device. However, each vehicle still needs its own license and maps.
Q: What happens to my tunes, if I switch to another vehicle?
A: If you’re having a vehicle of the exact same type (Vehicle Typecode + Transmission hardware#) you can re-use
the OTS tunes.
Q: I installed the Stage 3 Map on my vehicle, but it’s still not shifting as quick as seen in some Youtube Videos!
A: You very likely refer to videos with a 5-Series car with Sport Automatic Option. BMW uses the same
transmission on these cars, but they trick human perception by changing the behavior of the rev-counter.
Dampening is removed and the needle jumps instantly to the target value, before the shift of the transmission is
even completed. The shift itself is in fact slower compared to xHP Stage 3 Maps. This “Sport Option” is a
handshake between the ECU and the TCU controller. xHP activates the sport mode in the TCU on all vehicles, but
it depends on your ECU, if it has this mode built in from factory. For example, 335i N54 cars do not have it,
whereas 135i and 335i N55 sport it. Diesel 3-Series do not have this mode at all.
Q: Will my car be still updateable by the dealer?
A: Before doing a software update at the dealer, you MUST uninstall xHP. If the xHP configuration gets
overwritten through a dealer update, the App will have no way, to check for proper installation and will therefore
refuse to flash the car again. Generally speaking, xHP will always flash the newest available calibration on to your
TCU, so there’s no need to update it at the dealer.
Q: I flashed an xHP Map on my Pre-LCI 5 or 6 Series car, but I don’t see the Gear-Display in D-Mode?
A: Most of the 5 and 6-Series cars (before Facelift) where equipped with a faulty dash software, which is unable
to display a gear number in S-Mode. When S-Mode is engaged, most of these cars display a red gearbox-error
sign in the dash. Therefore, the Gear-Display is not active in the xHP Maps for those cars. You can try to activate
it by yourself through xHP’s Customization Module, but we can’t guarantee it will work. Unfortunately, there is
no way of checking upfront, if a certain car is affected by that or not.